Well, I said "Adios" to the city that has been my home for the past 4 months last Wednesday. I leave this blog off with a picture of the symbol of Sevilla.
Legend has it that King Alfonso X's son tried to usurp him back in 13th Century, but the people of Sevilla continued to remain loyal. He rewarded them by giving them the "NO8DO".
The motto is a rebus, combining the Spanish syllables (NO and DO) and a drawing in between–the figure “8.” The figure represents a skein of yarn, or in Spanish, a “madeja.” When read aloud, “No medeja do” sounds like “No me ha dejado,” which means “It [Sevilla] has not abandoned me.”
The NO8DO is all over the city, mainly on every manhole cover and other city-utilites.
I might have left the city, but it will always be there if I want to relax in the hot sun, sipping café con leche and conversing Spanish with a lisp.
Hasta luego Sevilla.